Self-Care September

Hello Cysters!!! Welcome to PCOS Awareness Month! 

As women we are sometimes expected to be super human and taking care of ourselves can be made into a lower priority when there is so much to do! Further more, as women with a chronic illness, taking care of ourselves can be an overwhelming task at times. For the past 2 months, and even more intensely in the past two weeks, I have given more focus into what it actually means to really take care of yourself, by actually putting those skills into practice and working towards giving up the toxic thought that I have to be more that what my body can handle. I have learned so much from some wonderful teachers who I will talk about more this month, but I thought it was important that I started sharing the techniques that have been working for me so others can feel the great benefit of self-care. Let's kick it off with tip #1!!! 

Check back here and on social media to see more tips though out the month. See how many things you can do to take care of yourself and let us know what is working best for you!

Have a wonderful day and be kind to yourself!

💗 Jennifer